Entrepreneur CEO Roundtable Forums
Running a company of any size can be a challenge. For a small business owner, it can be a lonely one too. Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a group of peers where you have a forum for the exchange of information, ideas, insights, and perspectives?
Running a Company of Any Size...
That’s what MBMentors Entrepreneur CEO Roundtables are all about - a place where you can work through your specific business issues with fellow small business owners. This is not a networking event. It’s a peer-to-peer group providing a secure environment for open, confidential discussions about concerns, problems, and opportunities a member may be facing.
You benefit by learning from each other’s achievements and mistakes. These roundtables are professional business discussions consisting of small business CEO’s, owners, and founders from the Twin Cities area. The groups consist of no more than 12 members from non-competing companies.
Each group is led by one of MBMentor’s highly qualified facilitators, trained in meeting and group dynamics.
Benefits of Joining
How our Entrepreneur CEO Roundtable roundtables can help you to become a better leader:
Develop a Network: Build a network of like-minded business owners who can help you succeed.
Gain Insights: Develop new perspectives from others to improve your business.
Shared Learnings: Meet in an environment where entrepreneurs learn from one-another.
Open Environment: Each group is made up of non-competitors to provide an open forum for discussion and exchange.
Best Practices: Avoid mistakes and gain insights by sharing with other small business owners.
The minimum requirements to participate in the program are:
Must be the CEO/President/Founder.
Minimum of two year’s of operating history.
Annual revenue from $250,000 to $1.5 million.
Minimum of 2 full time employees other than owner.
Agree to attend 6, 3-hour meetings a year (February, April, June, August, October, and December)
Membership Criteria
Cost of membership is $600 annually.
If you are ready to apply to join, please fill out the form below.